November 26, 2016

Post Santai Tengah Malam


Surprisingly, malam ni masih ada lebihan energy. Hidup sekarang dah tak sama macam dulu, as in sebelum kahwin, sebelum ada suami, sebelum ada komitmen, dan sebelum ada anak. But, change is part of our life. Embrace every moment, and just live the life.

November 24, 2016

Peranan Bapak in the Labour Room


Selalunya kan, bila kita bercerita atau share tentang kelahiran, kita akan biasa dengar dan baca segala pengalaman dan keadaan si ibu je. Kita macam terlupa yang si bapak pun, tanpa kita sedari mengalami suatu pengalaman yang baru! Dah tentunya berbeza. Sekarang pun di Malaysia ni, kebanyakan hospital dah membenarkan si bapak untuk ada di sebelah ibu sewaktu melahirkan. Sebab tu, detik-detik kelahiran macam ni, bukan ibu je yang rasa, si bapak yang panic dan excited pun ada pengalaman mereka sendiri. Kadang-kadang hampir terlupa nak tanya apa dia rasa sepanjang proses kelahiran tu. 

November 19, 2016

On Five Years of Marriage


Today (11.11.16) is our five years wedding anniversary, and I am so thankful for this marriage of mine. Really! I'm blessed beyond measure to have him as my partner through life. Allah always knows what He's doing when pairing people together, and I couldn't dreamed up a better person. I can only see him as my perfect partner.

October 7, 2016

Of Me Being Stubborn with the Doctor during Labour - Hypnobirthing


The birth story of our 3rd baby. Happy reading!!!
It's a sunny Saturday, it's hot and I'm sweating (common pregnancy symptom). I just want to stay at home and be lazy. Weirdly, I'm feeling hungry almost every hour, I keep drinking and eating whatever is available in the Kitchen (while still can, they said. hee~). You know, since I passed my due date, I have less appetite than before. Even though, I had a really good night's sleep for the past few days (thanks to my acupuncturist), but today, I'm feeling exhausted! And so, I just sit on the couch and watch tv.

September 11, 2016

One is great, Two is Fun and why not add another ONE?!


Wishing everyone a good day. Well, our pregnancy is not a secret anymore, pictures of me being pregnant have been posted (obviously by me, myself) in facebook and instagram. Hihi! Honestly, despite of being aware of all the future challenges that we are going to go through after delivery, we are also excited to welcome our 3rd little bundle of joy. In shaa Allah, we are expecting a little girl soon.

Raya 2016


Ampun maaf sangat-sangat, please don't get irritated with my overdue Raya post. Dah musim haji dah pun kan. Haha!! Sejak ada rombakan dekat office dan pertukaran job scope, kerja macam tak pernah habis, tak dapat nak luangkan masa dengan blogging.

June 20, 2016

5th Hypnobirth Class with Nadine Ghows

The final class with Nadine is finally here. And ironically, we arrived late. Sigh. When we arrived, Nadine already started the class with birth video. You know, when I entered the house and knowing that this will be the last class for us, make me feels gloomy. Because I love all the classes, get to learn about my body, the baby's ability and also the beauty about birth itself.

May 30, 2016

4th Hypnobirth Class with Nadine Ghows

4th class with Nadine was the most emotional class I've attended so far. I was surprised with my own self too for crying during the class. Without me realizing it, I am currently struggling with my own self in making the best decision for me and the baby.

May 24, 2016

3rd Hypnobirth Class with Nadine Ghows

Our 3rd class with Nadine is the class that I've been waiting for. We've discussed on the mind and physical/body preparation for the birth day. This topic has strengthened my belief that early preparation including physical movements and mentally readiness throughout pregnancy has a strong correlation with the birth process itself.

May 19, 2016

2nd Hypnobirth Class with Nadine Ghows

Following my 1st hypnobirth class with Nadine last Sunday (1st May 2016), I was so excited and looked forward for the 2nd class. Since I left the 1st class, I've been reading the Hypnobirthing book; the Mongan Method as recommended. And as I kept reading, my strong inner state was telling me, 'this is totally what I've been wanting for my birth'. I want a very calm, joyful and loving entrance for my baby. Birth should be an unforgettable moment, beautifully expressed and surrounded with wonderful people.

May 16, 2016

Budget Honeymoon Trip to Boracay


June 2016 is approaching and leaving the memories I have created in these past few months. How time flies. Seriously, there are so much to share but my main enemy today is time. While trying to cope with my new job, works are getting overloaded. Sigh. But this entry, I can't postponed it no more. It is too memorable to be kept as a draft.
So, last year in November, on our 4th wedding anniversary, my husband and I went to Boracay Island. If you have heard or read about Boracay's clear blue water and its white sand beach, trust me, they're all true. We personally yet to see any of its kind, until we've seen Boracay's. Subhanallah, indah!

May 13, 2016

1st Hypnobirth Class with Nadine Ghows

Experiencing my 3rd pregnancy is not an excuse for me to have the high level of anxiety and fear of giving birth. Giving birth is not only about breathe the baby out but my main concern is to ensure that the baby is safe and healthy and as for the mother (me lah tu), the birth experience should be gentle and with no / at least minimal traumatic incidents.

April 24, 2016

Family Trip Musim Panas ke Cameron Highlands


I always said to myself that I will blog at least once in a week. But, obviously that doesn't happen. Sigh. Blogging for me nowadays seems to be very hard. You know, hal kerja, suami, anak-anak dan other personal things, are the reasons that limits my time to blog.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing just great. Terutamanya dengan cuaca kebelakangan ni yang panas lepas tu kadang-kadang jerebu. Just remember to keep the body hydrated by drinking more than a lot of water. And keep the kids hydrated too. At times, saya pun terpaksa memaksa Irfan & Aisha minum air kosong. *Sorry sayangs

So, today's story is about our family trip to Cameron Highlands, recently in March. Definitely we expect for cool weather and clean air. We went there right after the school holiday ends. Strategi tau, trafik tak sibuk dan tempat-tempat nak dilawati pun tak ramai. It's kind of our impromptu trip.