June 20, 2016

5th Hypnobirth Class with Nadine Ghows

The final class with Nadine is finally here. And ironically, we arrived late. Sigh. When we arrived, Nadine already started the class with birth video. You know, when I entered the house and knowing that this will be the last class for us, make me feels gloomy. Because I love all the classes, get to learn about my body, the baby's ability and also the beauty about birth itself.

Birth Partner's Roles

After the video ended, Nadine emphasized on the importance of the birth partner's roles. The anticipation of birth partner throughout the 9 months pregnancy journey as well as afterbirth journey not only benefiting the child's emotions but also the relationship of the couple.

Among things that the birth partner should know and get involved are;
  • To know what's best for the mother and baby as well as to be firm with the decisions that have been made
  • To be proactive during labour. This includes; provide encouragement to the mother, massaging, coax the mother to eat & drink and most importantly is to be by her side all the time
  • To ensure that documents needed for hospital registration are made available
  • To ensure that the birth preferences are being communicated to the nurses / doctor on duty
  • To also ensure that the mother is at her own comfort zone and privacy mode

Birth Preferences

I also took the chance to discuss with Nadine on my birth preferences. It felt so relieved to have her to look at my birth preferences and provide her comments. Because while writing about my birth preferences, I am so concerned on the acceptance level of the doctor, someone who is expert in their field. In shaa Allah, once my birth preference approved by my preferred doctor, I'll share my birth preferences here.

Birth Positions

Of all the important topic we've discussed in this class and previous classes, to know and to practice on the birth position is the most crucial. As mentioned in the Hypnobirthing Book; the Mongan Method, there are several birth position that can be adopted. Both of my 1st and 2nd birth, I had a semi-lying position with both legs up in stirrups and I believe that there is high chance of tear while birthing in this position.

Among all positions recommended, I'm keen to birth my baby in all-fours positions or hanging on the birth ball. I've been practicing since then as to strengthen my legs and to set my mind with the birth position I've chosen. Personally, I believe that choosing the most effective birth position is needed as to make use of the gravity and to ease the process of opening and thinning. Like Fandy always said, we don't pee or poo in a semi-lying position, which is totally not working, true indeed!

And so, that's all I think. My hypnobirthing class is now has come to an end. But the journey still goes on until the arrival of THE DAY. All in all, I would like to thank Nadine for her continuous support and advises. What she did today is really inspiring, helping me to go through my fears and curiosity. As of today, I'm preparing myself to stay healthy, fit and set my mind and soul to be ready for the birth day. Fandy has been the most supportive person so far. I believe he also wants the best for me and the baby. As I mentioned in my previous post, I will continuously put my effort in this, and the rest, I leave it to Allah's.

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