November 17, 2015

Updates on things..


What's up? Sky's up! Haha. What a lame line for me at my age today to greet that way. So, how's everyone doing? I hope everyone is doing just fine. As for me, I'm doing great, my life goes as how it is supposed to be, bitter conflicts, sweet moments, sour challenges and spicy romance. Haha!

Things going so fast since my last post here. All in all, I'm gonna keep that as memories and life lessons.

There were 3-4 events happening since this blog was left in silence. In shaa Allah, I will share about those in the next few days.

And as for the kids.. They both are looking good, handsome and pretty. Hehe. And I'll tell you more about them later. Till then, I'm leaving you with their pictures..

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