September 11, 2016

One is great, Two is Fun and why not add another ONE?!


Wishing everyone a good day. Well, our pregnancy is not a secret anymore, pictures of me being pregnant have been posted (obviously by me, myself) in facebook and instagram. Hihi! Honestly, despite of being aware of all the future challenges that we are going to go through after delivery, we are also excited to welcome our 3rd little bundle of joy. In shaa Allah, we are expecting a little girl soon.

Raya 2016


Ampun maaf sangat-sangat, please don't get irritated with my overdue Raya post. Dah musim haji dah pun kan. Haha!! Sejak ada rombakan dekat office dan pertukaran job scope, kerja macam tak pernah habis, tak dapat nak luangkan masa dengan blogging.